Saturday, October 19, 2013

Two Months and Two Weeks

Two months and two weeks can seem like an eternity or it can seem like it was just yesterday and why not?  The memories of Lynda when she was four feel fresh.  It's hard to wrap my mind around the fact that her stroke when she was ten was actually over thirty years ago now.

I guess time is fluid in many ways as are memories.  Our brains are wired to assimilate death and loss in fairly predictable ways and if we're lucky enough to not get hung up in one of the stages of grief most of us move through the process eventually.  We never forget.  The tears never completely stop because the memories continue to catch us off guard.  Healing does come enough to continue to be able to move through life looking reasonably sane.

I cannot imagine the loss of a loved one if I didn't believe there was God.  That there is heaven and that because of Jesus we will see fellow believers again one day.... and that one day will last forever.  Lynda was my forever child.  We always said that when we adopted her we gave her a forever home and that was true for her short stay on earth.

God gave Lynda her real forever home in heaven.  He adopted her as one of His own and He prepared a place for her.  Thank you Jesus for the peace that you give my heart knowing that Lynda has safely arrived at her forever home.  

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