Sunday, April 5, 2015

Expect A Miracle...

Today is Easter.  Resurrection day.  Miracle of all miracles.  God sent His only son to become be born of a virgin and live among us.  Jesus was one hundred per cent man and one hundred per cent God all at one time.  It kind of twists my human brain in knots to try and sort that all out so I don't try.  I rely on faith to know that my God is in the miracle business and nothing is impossible or too complicated for the one who breathed life into man and created the universe.

Nothing is too complicated for an all knowing God but what might be more difficult to understand is how this same God of the universe would care enough for mankind and for me in particular to send His only son from the heavenly realm where He had been since the beginning of time to come to be a human and ultimately a living sacrifice for the world.

Some say it's a myth.  Some refuse to believe but the Bible says even satan and his demons believe and know that it is true.  That doesn't mean that the demon world isn't constantly trying to throw doubt on the miracles that God performed on that first Easter.  God's miracle of the resurrection prevailed against satan and Jesus defied death.  Not only did HE defy death but He bought our pardon so we too can defy death to live eternally with God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit forever.

I expect miracles.  It isn't that I think I deserve miracles because I deserve nothing that God has blessed me with.  However, my God is mighty and powerful and still in the miracle business.  As I have grown in years and maturity I have come to more fully trust in His timing and His providence.  I have learned to trust Him for miracles of all sizes and types.  I have found that if I live by faith and put every single thing into His care, He will provide for me in such amazing ways that I never dreamed possible.  It is such a sweet relationship to know that my heavenly father loves me and wants what's best for me.

It is also amazing to know that the God of the universe who never sleeps or slumbers cares about the little, every day things in my life.  If he numbers the sparrows and knows when one falls, it should not surprise me that He also knows the tears I cry for missing Lynda or the burden I have carried for my mother's salvation for these past 56 years.  He knows and he is faithful.

The little discs in the picture above are from the necklace I have worn every day since Lynda died a year and a half ago.  They slipped off the ring once and I noticed when they came off in my lap.  A few days ago, I noticed they were missing again.  I looked in the blankets and sheets in the bed.  I looked in the car.  Russ even looked online to see how to take the back seat out since I had been in the backseat lying down and thought it might have slipped through the cracks.  When the manual's first instruction was to call a mechanic, I knew that was not the solution.  I looked in my closet.  I left no stone unturned.  The whole time I was praying, "Lord, please help me find my Lynda necklace because you know what comfort it gives me".  Days went by and I knew one day God would place those discs back into my life.  Was it silly for me to pray about returning a necklace when so many serious problems were occurring around the world?  Was it presumptuous for me to believe God had time to be concerned about such trivial matters?   No.  The Bible teaches us that this is the type of God we serve.  A God who cares for all of our needs and knows our hearts and our needs even before we voice them.

On Good Friday, God answered my prayers for my mother to be saved.  For 56 years (about 20,800 days), I have prayed that God would spare her life until she would make the decision to give her heart to Jesus.  At the age of 92 (and still living by herself), my mother accepted God's grace.  God was faithful to the prayers of this six year old girl who is now a sixty-two year old grandmother.

On Easter morning (this morning), I walked into the bathroom to find my necklace discs lying on the cabinet.  I yelled to Russ, "You FOUND my necklace!  Where did you find it?" (Translated:  Where did God show it to you?)  His reply was not surprising to someone who expects miracles..."I was awakened by a clinking sound of something hitting the floor by the bed and when I got up to see what it was...your necklace was lying there on the floor!"

Thank you Jesus for dying for my sins.  Thank you Holy Spirit for pulling at my mother's heart until she surrendered her will to yours.  Thank you for loving on Lynda for the past year and a half in heaven while I'm still here on earth.  Thank  you.  THANK YOU!!!

HE IS RISEN.  HE IS RISEN, INDEED!  The tomb is empty, HE IS ALIVE.  He has gone to prepare a place for US and He is coming back for us!  PRAISE GOD FOR JESUS.  PRAISE GOD FOR EASTER.

If you have not yet given your heart to it right now.  Believe in Jesus. Receive Jesus, who is God in flesh, who died and rose from the dead (1 Cor. 15:1-4) as your Lord and Savior (John 1:12). Ask Jesus to forgive you, to come into your heart, and to wash you clean from your sins. Pray to Jesus.  Find a church home and let them know about your decision so they can love on you and help you to continue to grow in the Lord.

Expect a miracle because when you accept Christ, he literally comes to live in you.  The Holy Spirit will work miracle after miracle through your life as He intercedes for you in prayer to God the Father.  Expect a miracle by first accepting the miracle of Jesus!