Friday, October 11, 2013


Lynda had several sounds that she had perfected.  The sneeze was one of the sounds that she could fool anyone with.  If she heard someone sneeze instead of saying bless you she would sneeze,  Or if she just felt in the mood for sneezes, she would just out of the blue...sneeze.  She liked it best if you would sneeze after she sneezed.  It was a game.

We were waiting in line at the grocery store one day and she started sneezing.  Her sneezes were highly realistic and she was cute and little.  Little old ladies would stop and say "Oh, poor baby.  She's coming down with a cold".  At first, I would tell the people that she wasn't really sneezing.  She was just pretending.  They would look at me like I was a bad mother for accusing my child of faking sneezes.  lol   You really couldn't tell the real ones from the fabricated ones.  The laughing after the sneeze was what always gave her away.

Most of the time when someone commented about her sneezes and they acted concerned, I just thanked them and didn't try to explain.

Lynda had created her own game of Ah-Choo.  It never grew old to her nor did I ever become tired of her suddenly sneezing and waiting for me to echo it.  The look on her face in this picture very much captures her expressions as she was playing the big sneeze game.

Even after the stroke, she would sometimes respond to my sneeze with her version.  Ah-Choo.  It always got someone's attention and she loved that.  There won't be any sickness in heaven but I wouldn't be surprised if there are still were sneezes..because Lynda's there!

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