Sunday, March 30, 2014

...Until It Becomes A Memory

I think this is no truer than when we lose a loved one and all we are left with are memories.  Lynda's life had so many moments that God allowed us to know at the time we were experiencing them that we should and would value these moments that took our breath away.  Some were seeing Lynda master skills that she had worked years to accomplish like riding a tricycle.  Some were moments when things others take for granted like hugs from their child were treasured gifts that we tried at the moment to memorize every detail to savor it again and again.

Still life happens.  Lynda didn't remain an only child and time didn't increase as the years went by.  On the contrary life crowded in and unimaginable things happened like strokes and abuse and years ago when Lynda was only ten years old, we learned the value of a moment and we also learned the hard lesson that sometimes we don't really know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.  That moment when circumstances changed the Lynda we knew and returned to us a different child with the Lynda who ran and played non-stop as just a memory.

There is absolutely no way for us to know  the value of the all the moments that will some day become memories.  We just have to live each day trying to wring out all of the drops of joy from a day that is often full of heartache.  It's always there.  Finally when the moments do become memories we embrace them for all they're worth and if we're lucky we did know the value of many, many moments long before they became memories since that only deepens and makes richer our memories.

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