Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The Men in Lynda's Life...

These three men influenced Lynda's life and probably more accurately were influenced by hers.  Larry and I adopted Lynda before either of her brothers were born.  He adored her and she felt the same about her Da-Da.  Our lives revolved around her needs and Larry was dedicated to that little blond beauty.  We walked many miles together on her behalf and she blessed our lives in ways only God could have orchestrated.

Her brothers, Kevin and Kristopher grew up with a sister with special needs which was just a normal part of our family life.  Lynda was 8 when Kevin was born and 12 when Kristopher was born.  Kris never knew the Lynda before the stroke.

These men were important in Lynda's life.  They loved her and they were willing to do anything for her.  Lynda's Daddy died three years ago today and he was waiting on her when she arrived in heaven.  That has always given me such joy knowing that she had her daddy, grandparents and siblings waiting with Jesus to greet her.

Lots of people always asked Larry and me if we knew that Lynda was handicapped when we adopted her and yes, of course we did.  We actually requested a child with special needs because we knew they were more difficult to place.  Few people could understand why we wanted to adopt a child when we could have children biologically.  The answer to that is that God called us to adopt and he had Lynda on his mind from the beginning to be our daughter.  He knew we would have Kevin and Kristopher but we were willing to obey his call to adopt and we were blessed beyond measure because we did.

Kevin and Kristopher are good men and good daddies.  They understand that all people have special strengths along with weaknesses.  They were taught about the value of a human being not being dependent upon their IQ but rather the intrinsic value of being God's creation.  I'm so proud of all three of these men who loved Lynda so dearly.

I miss you Larry.  Celebrate the third anniversary of your new birth in heaven with Lynda.  Her second anniversary will be coming up in a couple of months.  Then you two can celebrate again!

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