Thursday, June 4, 2015


Losing a child certainly wipes away the smiles.  Grieving is hard work.  Sadness crowds out the smiles.  They are fewer to come by for a while.  Yet, God is always there and only he can continue to show us reasons to smile.

For me, the memories of Lynda were some of the first things that brought smiles back.  Her memories still bring smiles to my face and to my soul.  I cannot thank God enough for allowing me to be her mother even if it was for a far shorter period of time than I would have chosen.  My biggest smiles are when I think of Lynda in heaven seeing Jesus for the first time and being whole and able to talk and run.  I imagine HER smile and my whole heart smiles.

No matter what happens here on this earth, we know that this world is not our home.  That should bring the biggest smile ever to your face.  Think about it!  God has prepared a place for you in heaven to live with him forever and ever and ever!  All that is required is accepting the gift of grace by believing in and accepting Jesus as our personal savior.  Too simple?  God designed it that way.  For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.  John 3:16.

The joy that comes with that decision will keep you smiling in your heart though any and everything that life throws at you.  Satan wants to steal, destroy and kill.  Don't let him rob you of your joy.  God wants to keep you smiling.  That's why he sent his son.

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