Monday, September 16, 2013

Lynda's Bench

We bought this pale yellow metal bench two summers ago.  It was the last one they had and I was just drawn to it...not because I needed it but it just looked kind of retro.  I debated with myself about whether to get it or not.  Russ finally said "Get it.  It's really different and I like it".  So we bought it.  We put it into the storage building and we talked about putting it together several times but something always took priority over putting it together.  Even then God knew what the little yellow bench would be used for.

After visiting Lynda's grave several times and sitting on the edge of the family tombstone, I decided that I needed a place to sit and remembered the little bench.  We took it out to the cemetery and Russ put it together there.  He put in a corkscrew stake intended to attach a rope for dogs and locked it to one of the legs of the bench.  It's just to keep honest people honest.  If someone wants to steal it, they can easily do so.  I just hope no one does.

It's a great place to sit and watch the sun go down in the western sky and think about the fact that Lynda is with the God who painted the beautiful sky with vibrant oranges and pinks against a beautiful blue and aqua background.  I used to wonder why people went to the cemetery every day after a loved one passed away when that person wasn't there.  I don't know about other people but I know that for me there is peace when I go there.

I look at the grave and I praise God for Lynda.  I thank Jesus for securing my place in heaven on the cross by taking my sins as if they were His own.  I have a promise that I will see Lynda again.  When I visit her grave and sit on her bench, I think about the good times and sometimes there are tears because the earthly relationship is over.  However sitting beside her grave and knowing it holds her body but not her soul is cause for worship and praise.  When I get up from the little yellow bench I walk away knowing that this is a place I can continue to take care of in Lynda's honor.  It gives me something to do.  I know that Lynda is in the arms of Jesus and when Jesus comes again....she'll be among the first to join him, resurrected body and soul united in the beautiful sky. 

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