Thursday, September 26, 2013

Grow Grass Grow....Ready!

When we moved into our present home, we had great plans to try and kill the weeds and have a beautiful lawn in the backyard like it was in the front.  Before we could do anything, the moles moved into the backyard and made the weeds a low priority item.  We tried all of the recommended remedies for eradicating moles with no luck so we just kind of gave up on the beautiful lawn idea.

Now we are seriously trying to GROW grass.  We have put bags and bags of good miracle grow topsoil.  We've encouraged the runners to run over into the new soil.  We've planted grass seeds and we water it every day by hand with a big water can.  We've gotten down on our hands and knees beside the area without grass to see if we see any of the little white threads that surface when the grass seed has germinated and is poking its head through the soil.  It has rained several times.  The slow nice rain that is just right.  I've even talked to the grass to encourage it to hurry and grow before the first frost comes to turn it brown for the winter.  We've added miracle grow to the water and as soon as we get home to Booneville we go right away to check it out.

We don't have green thumbs but this is a labor of love because we are trying to get grass to grow on Lynda's grave.  On her birthday we went and planted grass seeds and carefully covered them with new topsoil.  We used to do this when I taught pre-k in Florida.  A few weeks before Easter, we helped the kids plant grass seeds in a container and we watered it and watched it grow to three or four inches of soft, green grass that we would let the kids put one or two of their freshly dyed "real" Easter eggs into and take home.  It was always an exciting project as we watched the grass peep out of the warm soil and then begin to shoot up all over the little pot.

Now I'm kind of doing the same thing.  I've planted the grass and I'm checking it to see the first sprouts.  It isn't Easter but I'm reminded of  resurrection day every time I visit Lynda's grave.  Christ rose on the third day and He has promised those who have died before the rapture that they will be the first to rise to meet Him in the skies.  Resurrection is real.  It was real for Christ  and  it's real for all of those who belong to Him.

I'm going to go and check the grass again this afternoon and water it but if Christ wants to choose today for the rapture....there will be no need for graves or for grass.  Have some people I want to see give their lives to Christ so I hope they will hurry and do that.  I'm not sure there's a lot more time.  I'm can't wait for the rapture.  Ready to see Jesus.  Ready to see Lynda.  Just ready.

After writing this post and publishing it, we went to water the grass and there WAS grass all over the plot!  Tiny little tender green shoots all over the dark brown miracle grow soil.  We planted it on her birthday (September 21st) and five days later it's popping out!  I've never been a fan of grass.  You have to mow it and I'm allergic to freshly cut grass.  However, THIS GRASS I LOVE!

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