Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Happy Birthday to Lynda's Little Brother, Kevin!

Today is Lynda's baby brother Kevin's birthday.  He's 34 today.  When Kevin was born on September 17th, Lynda celebrated her 8th birthday on September 21st.  Lynda had lived with us since January, 1975 and the night that Kevin was born was the first time she had ever spent the night away from us.  The staff at the Oxford Child Development Center (now Scott Center) were truly like a family to us.  Carla Hopkins who was the director at that time kept Lynda for us.  Because of her severe seizures having her spend the night away from Larry and me was stressful but knowing she was in the hands of someone who knew her and we trusted was priceless.  I think everyone on staff pitched in to help at some point.  It was especially hard to leave her overnight even to deliver her baby brother.  God provided as He always does.

Kevin became a recreational therapist and worded at NMRC for about seven years before he and Nicole married and he moved to Olive Branch.  That was another blessing for us to have Kevin working there with Lynda for so many years.  Kevin has grown into a man that a parent can be very proud of.  He is married and has a son and daughter.  He is now working toward becoming a nurse.

I think Lynda has influenced many of our decisions in careers.  I know she certainly did for me and later for Russ.  Lynda was blessed to have two good brothers, Kevin and Kris who loved her and were able to be there when she was sick.  God is good all the time!

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