Saturday, September 14, 2013

It's Beginning to Look and Feel Like Fall

As we hung the things on the angel wings stand today I told Russ that Lynda would have had that disassembled quicker than he could put it up.  LOL  When she was little, bulletin boards were never safe when Lynda was around.  After Jan Reynolds had spent hours creating these beautiful bulletin boards or doors...Lynda would disassemble them in a blink of an eye.  If she had happened up on this arrangement when she was four or five, I have a pretty good idea what she would have done. 

The hanging things would have been taken off and put by the flowers on the ground.  Then she would have sat down by them and turned them and rearranged them and entertained herself with them for a good while.  She would have noticed that I had put white Florida sand in the pot of yellow mums and that would have been fun to play with too.  If she had been there long though she would have taken the arrangements off of the other monuments and added them to her growing collection.  Lynda was very obsessive compulsive about having everything lined up or arranged.  When we took her to the beach she would get a bucket of sand, then notice more sand and get another bucket of sand.  After a few minutes we realized that she was trying to put all of the sand on the beach into one pile and it was frustrating the heck out of her because she couldn't do it.  After a few minutes we realized what she was trying to do and just went inside.  A sandbox full of sand worked great.  A beach that had sand as far as you could see was more than she could wrap her mind around.  Of course, I kind of feel the same way about the beach.  It is just more than my human mind can process.  When I think about how beautiful God has made this world, I'm also aware that this is just a pale comparison to what He has waiting for us. 


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