Monday, November 11, 2013

Lynda's Headstone Is Installed Today

Lynda's headstone was set today with the last day of green grass.  I'm sure tonight's lows in the 20's will kill the grass even if we covered it like we did for the two nights of frost.

We are happy that the headstone arrived but the men installing it decided to skip the step of putting concrete under the stone as we were told would be done and they pretty much turned the top part of the grave into a muddy mess.

We called the monument company and they were going to try and catch their workers and have them return to do it right but that didn't happen.

Russ and I both are in agreement that we're just going to do it ourselves.  The line of monuments of my granddaddy, grandmother, uncle and now Lynda look like a curvy line.  No two are in line with the corner markers and the spacing between Mama and Uncle Jack are way, way off.  My Granddaddy's stone is on a concrete slab but it's not attached so it moves when they mow and is always crooked.  Next week-end we're going to go out and install them all so they look like there was a plan.

An interesting thing about Lynda's headstone is that I had a male angel at the top.  When Gail did her drawing of the face of the angel and brought it to me to look at I just stared at it and then showed her the family picture with all five of the kids grown.  The angel she had drawn looked just like Kevin.  It still looks like him on the stone.  When I can get a close-up of the angel on the monument and a picture of Kevin I'll post it on Lynda's blog.  Gail had no idea when she was drawing the face of the angel that it was as if she had drawn a composite picture of Kevin and Kris, Lynda's brothers.

I am so happy that Lynda has a real headstone now.  It's still hard for me to comprehend but it's there with a representation of Lynda and her angels.  Etched into the wing of one of the angels I put Nana loves (heart) u---it is so special for me to have been able to etch it on her stone myself and a few other hearts on the wings.

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