Sunday, November 10, 2013

Angel Monument We're Working Toward

 When we designed and purchased Lynda's headstone we had already decided what we wanted her large monument to look like.  We just have to save up to be able to add it to her site.  

There are many variations on the angel holding the black granite heart which can be color etched.  We've learned a lot about granite and monuments in three months.

Black granite is quarried in China or India.  It is all the gray color until polished.  Then it becomes this glossy black that can be etched in white or color can be added like Lynda's headstone.

The base can be any type you want rather than just what is pictured so we want the base like the one in the picture of the third angel that has the view from the back below it.  It will have that black base on both front and back so that we can add a Bible verse.  The angel at the bottom is available at the Pontotoc Monument Company where we've been working on Lynda's headstone.  I'm pretty sure they can order any of the other ones as well.  I like the top two angels because they have softer facial features and I think they come in two sizes.  The slightly smaller one would be good for Lynda's site.

Everything is expensive now a days and monuments are no exception.  There is a great deal of expense involved to get the stone from India or China, have it carved and polished.  I'm sure it is carved and polished mechanically but it's still a process that's costly.  When it's finally a monument and shipped to the monument company the personalization process begins with sandblasting words and etching.  It ends up running almost $5,000.  We are school teachers and paying for the funeral and the headstone is a stretch.  The money for the angel monument will be an on-going project of various ways Russ and I can make money for the "monument fund".  Our first way is selling things on eBay that we've collected through the years that we suddenly found weren't nearly as valuable for memorabilia as prior to Lynda's passing.   Russ has a life time of Boy Scout memorabilia and I've collected children's books and plush characters that go with the books since I began teaching in Florida in 2002.  Although I've given a great deal away, I do have many new or like new plush animals, beautiful hand puppets and similar items that will make great Christmas gifts for someone.

This is our beginning for our fund for Lynda's angel monument.  I know God will provide other opportunities.  You can visit our eBay site by pasting in this URL:  It will then show you the items we have available and a little informational ad telling about where the proceeds from the sales will go.  I know that is a long URL to paste but it takes you to one of the items or you can just search for bksheep and follow.  That's us.

Lynda sees angels on a daily basis now.  I want an angel at he foot of her grave to symbolically represent the angels who have watched over her the 41 years she lived on this earth.  With God's help she will have this special angel tribute for people to read about her and how God used her life in so many ways.

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