Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter Reminds me of Lynda...

Maybe it's because Lynda came to live with us at the end of January and Easter was the first holiday we celebrated with her as a family.  Maybe it was because her first Easter she looked like a little doll dressed in an aqua dress with a little white pinafore ...kinda of Alice in Wonderlandish and before we could get to church she'd had experienced a seizure leaving her unable to enjoy her easter basket that the Easter Bunny had left.  I don't know, maybe it's because Easter is pastel colors that have always been synonymous with the clothes I chose for our fairskinned, blond haired, blue eyed doll throughout the years. 

Soft easter bunnies for her to rub while she sucked her thumb  and the easter eggs that Lynda loved to eat.  Not just the chocolate ones but the real boiled eggs.  I think of her on every holiday.  No, I think of her every day whether a holiday or not but just does something to me more than Christmas.  I go into the stores and see the Easter displays and my heart is full of memories and longing.  It reminds me of the little pink dress she wore when she was about seven and we tried and tried to get her to sit long enough for Olan Mills to snap a picture.  Somehow there was one that she was gazing up like an angel and you would swear she posed for it.  My mother and I can assure you she was not and we were amazed that the photographer got a shot.  I attribute it strictly to divine intervention!

Now I think of Resurrection Sunday and Lynda alive in heaven with Jesus.  Every song sung in the service today was more meaningful.  Every scripture about Jesus's love for us to go to the cross hit home stronger than ever.  I soaked up his love for me and for all of us who have surrendered our lives to him.  We serve a risen savior and my Lynda is with him today and every day because of his love for her.  Praise God for sending his only son to save us.  Praise God that Lynda is perfect and without pain in heaven where the angels must have sung glorious praise to Jesus today maybe just a little louder that other days to celebrate Jesus' triumph over death.  What of day of rejoicing it will be when we too join Jesus in heaven.

I miss you Lynda but I'm so thrilled you are in the best place ever with the one who loves you more than even I do.  Happy Easter! 


  1. The United Kingdom agreed to place Transjordan under the administration of Abdullah bin Hussein, Retro Jordans,who was given the title of emir (usually translated as prince). Emir (later King) Abdullah had been a key Brirish ally during the Arab Revolt against Turkey in World War I and was viewed by London as a potentially useful partner to help maintain its influence in the region after the war.3 The offer for Abdullah to rule Transjordan was also made to co-opt him and prevent the Arab leader from disturbing British interests in the Middle East. Such a disruption appeared possible in 1921, as Abdullah had been traveling north from Mecca wirh a Bedouin fighting force while indicating an interest in harassing French colonial forces in Syria. He also had a significant grievance which led him to favor such a strategy.

    The French had deposed Abdullah’s younger brother, Faisal, from the throne of Syria because he was viewed as insufficiently cooperative with them. Cheap Jordan Shoes,Abdullah was interested in either helping to restore Faisal to Syrian leadership or, more probably, replacing him in that role. At rhis time, the British leadership was working with France and wanted to prevent Abdullahs attack against their allys forces in Syria. More subtly, London did not want to provide the French with an excuse to expand their power southward in response to any provocations that might be made by Abdullah or any other local leaders. As a result of this confluence of these interests, "Iransjordans first government was established with British assistance in April 1921. The chief task that faced this government was to build a functioning state where none had previously existed. Ideally, jordan releases,this would involve the creation of a government with a supporting bureaucracy, the establishment of a police and military force to keep order, and securing at least some minimal level of loyalty to the government by the local population.
