Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Inside My Heart...

It just blesses my heart to see how God can use  Lynda's story to touch other lives not only in the United States but just during this week alone there were page views from Germany, Ukraine, Mexico, Russia, Canada, Australia, Switzerland, Chile and France.  I could never have imagined when Lynda was little that one day technology would allow me to write about her life in English and with the touch of a finger, a reader could have the message translated into his or her language.  

August 3rd will mark two years since Lynda has been in heaven.  In those two years I have written  255 blog entries and there have been about 20,000 views.  I cannot even begin to explain to you all how much we appreciate your support and how much this has helped with the tremendous loss we feel.  We know that we are not the only family to have lost a child with special needs.  Although I don't know you personally or know your stories, I know there are many other moms and dads, sisters and brothers, grandparents and cousins who share the pain that we have felt.  We lift you up to our Father in heaven and ask for the peace that only he can provide.  

Philippians 4:7
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (NIV)

1 comment:

  1. The desert is a position of bones, where the innards are turned out, to dry up into dust.
    The sea is a position of skin, rich external films concealing thick succulent internal parts, weighed down with the soup of being.
    Back to front and outside in. These are universes of things that implode or detonate, and the main impetus that decides the course of Eco-development is the equalization of water.
    Both universes are tricky, hazardous. Both, fuming with concealed life.
    The main cover that stands between impression of what is underneath the ruined surface is your fearlessness.
