Tuesday, June 2, 2015

To God Be the Glory...


"Now all glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think." - Ephesians 3:20


There are so many things I want to ask God when I get to heaven.  It will take an eternity to understand how the maker of the universe could love us so much.  I will spend eternity thanking him for sending his son to die for ME.  I cannot wrap my mind around that kind of love.  

 My daughter was mistreated and abused and it broke my heart.  Jesus was mistreated, abused and killed because of my sins.  It is a sobering thought to realize that I was personally responsible for the death of God's son.  Yet, he loves me and considers me a joint heir with his beloved son, Jesus.  How can this be?  Long ago I forgave those who harmed my child and who caused her to suffer a stroke at the age of ten.  I had to forgive to be able to move on with my life and take care of Lynda.  It was so much easier to turn it all over to God than to carry the pain alone.  I forgave but because I am human, I cannot always forget.  I try to but there are times that it haunts me.  The Bible says that God is able to both forgive and forget our sins.  How he is able to forget is one of those questions I think I want to know the answer to when I get to heaven.   It's no more amazing than his love for us and that he would prepare a place for us to live with him forever.  It just makes you want to shout when you realize how blessed we are, doesn't it?  

Lynda's life was so limited here on earth but she was loved immensely and her memories are cherished.  As her mother, I made mistakes and learned right along side her.  I was her caregiver.  She was my teacher.  I was her advocate.  She was my inspiration.  I was her Nana.  She was my daughter.  My love.  My forever child.

Lynda was an answer to prayers.  She was a gift from God that we had no idea how long we would be privileged to enjoy.  There was never enough time and oh how I miss her.  When I was with her I knew I was in the presence of angels because I felt that God sent them to protect her, to entertain her and to communicate to her in ways we could not here on earth.

To God be the glory for the great things he has done!  He has loved us, he has saved us and he has prepared a place for us where Lynda is already enjoying eternity in the presence of God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit.  She is able to talk with Noah and hear about the animals on the ark.  She is able to hear first hand from Moses about how it felt when the Red Sea parted and he walked on dry land.  Jonah may have already told her about his adventures in the stomach of the big fish and Peter may have told her what it felt like to walk on the water.  I know without a doubt that Jesus has told her over and over how much he loves her and how proud he is of the life she lived and the influence she had on lives in ways she didn't understand until she was in heaven.

I pray that if you haven't given your life to Jesus and invited him into your heart that you will do that right now.  It's a gift of grace that Jesus freely extends to every person.  Admit you are a sinner, repent of your sins and ask Jesus to come into your heart.  It will be the best decision you have ever made and to God be the Glory! 


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