Monday, July 29, 2024

Eleven Years

4,015 days since I’ve hugged you, felt your sweet hand patting me on my back when we walked together.  11 years since I rushed to the ER in Oxford totally unprepared.  

I still have your toys.  I still hang your Christmas ornaments you made when you were little. I still am overcome with emotion when I hear one of your favorite John Denver songs.  You are with me always because you touched every fiber of my being and when I see something in a store I know you’d like, I forget for a split second that you are gone. 

I go to bed every night dreaming of heaven when I’ll see you again and how glorious it will be for us to praise Jesus together.  I miss you always but I’m so thankful you are truly home and truly healed.

Saying good-bye and letting you go was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do but I know I’ll see you again and hold tight to that promise.  There is a sadness in this week every year as anniversaries always are.  There is also joy as I thank God I got to be your nana and I remember our fun times together. August 3, 2013 was truly your new birth day into a new life.  You are treasured by many.  

The Most Wonderful Child