Saturday, January 11, 2014

You Don't Have a Clue....

Especially since Lynda died five months ago this has been the overarching theme of my life but it's more than okay.  I don't have to know what God is doing, not even a clue because He knows my life from the beginning to the end.  With more years to experience God and to realize that I really don't have a clue...I rarely pray for a specific thing to be done a specific way.  Why?  Because God knows what He's doing.  His plans for me are so more elaborate than I could even imagine with my human brain.  I will take a burden to Him and pour my heart out to Him about it but if I ask for a specific outcome of my prayer, it would be like me telling a Michelangelo how to create a chalk drawing on my concrete driveway.  I don't want to limit God to answering my prayers in ways that I might think would be a great outcome. He may be planning to turn my life upside down in ways I never even dreamed could result in the outcome He has in mind.

When a person finally reaches the maturity to embrace the fact the God knows what He is doing and we don't have a clue....prayers change as does our faith.  Being submissive to God and letting Him direct my life isn't a is a blessing.  After all He knows what He's doing and I don't have a clue.  Yes, I know what He wants me to do in living my life as a Christian because He has left those directions for me in the Bible.  Sometimes I get it right and more often than not I mess up and as I do, God is there to catch me, dust me off and set me on my path again.  It is so comforting to know that I can put my life (every aspect of it) into God's hands and He will lead me home.

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